I have never really been a sporty girl. I did participate in PE at school of course, and netball and field hockey were my favourite sports, though i never excelled at them or anything else. Our school was a small one, and with 45 ish people in my year, we didn't really have great sports teams to play against other schools. I did a lot of the running for our sports day but don't get me wrong, this wasn't because i liked running, nore was i any good. No, it was because i am a team player and someone coming in last gained 2 points as opposed to no one running which got nothing. So I'd loose some races to gain the two points. To give you an idea, i ran the 400m, 800m, and 1500m (yes all three in one day) but my actual sport was Shot Put, a tad less energetic. But the one thing I remember really hating in school was cross country. I walked a hell of a lot and cheated as much as i could, sometimes not even doing the second pass around the school. I hated the cold air hurting my throat, the pain in my calves and in my lungs. I was not a fit child.
After school it took me until I was 19 before i really thought about exercising. Since then I have pretty much done everything i can think of that was available to me. But not sticking with anything and nothing every really staying regular. I really enjoyed squash, but you need a similar skilled partner for that. I used to like swimming, but now I get bored. Most recently I have been enjoying cycling, but since it got cold and dark, I'm not so tempted to be out on my bike (its mostly the dark that puts me off)
I have been reading a few running blogs and this one in particular just lit the fire in me, i woke up one day, got in to work and then all of a sudden, i signed up to do a half marathon! And i couldn't even run around the block at the time. I have run in the past, on the treadmill, but never found a love for it, it was just better than a stationary bike. But i have always longed to be athletic, and running a half marathon seemed like a pipe dream to me. Now its a plan. Argh!!
So heres how it went:
So heres how it went:
- I wanted a way to stay fit, so started this blog.
- I started running after I spontaneously signed up for a half marathon.
- Having that goal added fuel to a smouldering fire and now I have miles of desire to train.
- I plan to do all sorts of races to see what I like.
- I also love to cycle, which I found out last year, so I like the idea of triathlons/duathlons.
- I'm excited by where this attitude could get me.
- I may actually become this athlete I aspire to be.