New to Triathlons, New to Shropshire. An Orthotist tracks her training with a love of spreadsheets, graphs, photos and prose.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


So it appears i forgot to post about the first Hong Kong run and given it was so amazing it will do it now.  With pictures no less!
 The first morning i got up at 7.15am and snook out of our sardine can of a room....
It was hazy the whole time we were there, but still beautiful.
The run was great for several reasons.
1. Perfect weather 19C No humidity. Slight breeze.
2. First run in a week.
3. I found a park and it was lovely. There was an avery, a fitness route with pull up bars etc, pink flamingos in a pond, like 30 of them. Winding manicured gardens, lots of people doing Thi-chi and I mean lots all over the place. There is a pool you can do laps in, though it's a cool shape with 3 different sections and over two levels. The whole lace is no smoking! Lots of steps to challenge me. Just freaking awesome. I ran couple of different loops around it totalling 1.5miles before heading over a brigde to see the amazing views of Hong Kong island.

4. The amazing views of Hong Kong island. You know that skyline with the mountain back drop? It just made me want to keep on running so I could stare at it longer.
5. I was wearing my new fave running gear and had on fab tunes.
6. It was just a hella lot f fun running in Hong Kong!! You can't beat running somewhere new with such amazing views and architecture!
Bruce Lee. I want ab's like that!!
 4.5 miles in 43 minutes.

After i got back from my run i decided to walk as fast as i could up the stairs to our 13th floor sardine can for a little strength training. Domination over 208 steps!

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