New to Triathlons, New to Shropshire. An Orthotist tracks her training with a love of spreadsheets, graphs, photos and prose.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Up early and still no cycle - bad girl

So i've been bad and didn't get a cycle in today.  I wasn't in the mood first thing, even though i got up at 7am.  Of course my body clock is still on work mode, it still didn't get the memo that i do not need to be awake at 6.30am-everyday.  Normally, given i've most likely fallen asleep on the sofa by 11pm, i've had sufficient sleep by 6.30am and find it difficult to sleep longer.  So i am still getting up earlier than my husband. He works and I do not.

So today i was dressed by 9 and got to doing stuff. I went food shopping, did some packing and valuing of books, baked a loaf of bread. Bread which turned out like a brick. Those Bobs Red Mill GF bread mix's aren't really that good.  And i bought a 6 pack way back when.  So now i'm trying to get through a lot of GF food stuffs, and other pantry items. God knows we have cupboards cram packed with stuff. I see a trip to a soup kitchen in our future.

I also watched a bit of tv and went back to the table of doom to try and sort out what to throw out, shred, pack, sell and argh, what when i doesn't fit in to one of those categories?  The table of doom started 3 days ago, when i decided to unpack the trunk of junk and fill it with things that are most certainly coming with us.  Getting through that table of junk has taken three days. Three quarters of said junk got neatly boxed and placed right back in the trunk.  The rest, some was thrown, a few bits to Jeff to sell on eBay then the last little bits, you know those half used note pads, shoe horns, tape measures, Alan wrenches, pencil sharpeners, you know, junk. I don't know where it goes.  Now, let me ask you.  Do you throw it all away? coz you're not traipsing a crappy tape measure and a shoe horn you don't need across the Atlantic? or do you keep a junk draws worth of junk? coz everyone has junk, there is value in may need some of that junk one day.

So tomorrow morning, i'm getting up and going running.  right away. I will have breakfast, i'm a big breakfast fan.  Sometimes i wake up hungry, but even if not i'm eating within 30 minutes of being up.  I want to see how i fare first thing. I love the feeling that exercise bring with it for the rest of the day. I believe it will carry through all dayif i do it in the morning.  So i'd like, when i do get a job, to be able to get up and run before work and have that great feeling tall day.  Also knowing that i'd done my work out already, how cool.

Jeez, this was supposed to be a short one. Sorry!

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