New to Triathlons, New to Shropshire. An Orthotist tracks her training with a love of spreadsheets, graphs, photos and prose.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

What, I'm leaving the country? When....?

Just hit me i'm leaving in 4 weeks. Yup 4 weeks, that's not long.  In fact i would go as far as saying that's pretty fucking close.  Like breathing down your neck close, and its not fresh minty breath either.  Its the you've known for a long time but now its hit you in the face, old cigarettes and coffee breath.  I have lived here 6 years, almost to the day. I arrived on March 22nd 2004 in Milwaukee WI and in 27 days i will be gone, forever.  At least from Milwaukee forever, but most likely the states as a whole.

Well then...

Tuesday i went snowboarding. I have movie's and pictures but can't find the cable for my camera. I bought the usb adapter today online, so when it arrives i will post them.  I tried a jump - that's a good video. Its a damn fine 3.5 hour gluteus workout, all that crouching,  i'm still sore today.

Wednesday i ran 4.4 miles - my longest yet, in 49.25.  It felt good to run for so long, i didn't walk once.  There were mild hills both up and down. Looking forward to doing some speed work, i've not been following my schedule per say and have missed two sessions.

And today i cycled 12 miles in and hour (with a 20 minute break at my old work place).  Which hurt my ass of course, but in that good pain kinda way.  I used to do 15 miles in an hour - where did that go?

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